As «buyer» of a berth in the new Canal de la Fontana you were informed at the time of the obligation to respect the correspondence between the acquired mooring dimensions and the maximum size of boat allowed to dock in that berth. To avoid further problems, it would be convenient that you review the dimensions of your boat to confirm that you are not exceeding the maximum length or beam allowed. In case you are exceed any of them, please get in touch.
The boats that are currently moored in the canal have been measured and we will contact the owners of those exceeding the allowed dimensions to find a solution. To those owners who do not have the boat in the canal at the moment, Marina Nou Fontana offers the possibility of making an accurate measurement if they have no means of doing it. To authorize the entry of the boats in the canal, a review of the dimensions will be made to check that they don’t exceeding the permitted.
You can see below the table of correlation of dimensions; a graphic that describes how to measure the total length and beam, and also the article of the The Operation and Police Regulation which describes what are those measures.
Regards and thanks for your cooperation.
Mooring length | Mooring
breadth |
M2 mooring | Docking procedure | Maximum allowed length of the boat (meters) | Maximum allowed beam of the boat (meters) |
5,25 | 2,6 | 13,65 | FRONT | 5 | 2,30 |
5,5 | 2,65 | 14,575 | FRONT | 5,25 | 2,30 |
5,75 | 2,7 | 15,525 | FRONT | 5,5 | 2,35 |
6 | 2,75 | 16,5 | FRONT | 5,75 | 2,40 |
6,25 | 2,85 | 17,8125 | FRONT | 6 | 2,60 |
6,5 | 2,85 | 18,525 | FRONT | 6,25 | 2,60 |
6,75 | 2,85 | 19,2375 | FRONT | 6,5 | 2,60 |
7 | 2,95 | 20,65 | FRONT | 6,75 | 2,60 |
7,25 | 3 | 21,75 | FRONT | 7 | 2,60 |
7,5 | 3 | 22,5 | FRONT | 7,25 | 2,60 |
7,75 | 3 | 23,25 | FRONT | 7,5 | 2,60 |
8 | 3 | 24 | FRONT | 7,75 | 2,60 |
8,1 | 2,9 | 23,49 | SIDE | 7,25 | 2,80 |
8,25 | 3 | 24,75 | FRONT | 8 | 2,60 |
8,5 | 3 | 25,5 | FRONT | 8,25 | 2,60 |
8,75 | 2,9 | 25,37 | SIDE | 7,75 | 2,80 |
8,94 | 2,9 | 25,92 | SIDE | 8 | 2,80 |
9,19 | 3,1 | 28,48 | SIDE | 8,05 | 3 |
8,1 | 3 | 24,3 | SIDE | 7,25 | 2,80 |
b) Total beam: is defined as the distance measured in the transverse direction (i.e., from port to starboard) between the perpendicular to the two endpoints of the boat, including any equipment of the boat, either fixed, mobile or removable (e.g., outrigger, walkways, handrails, ladders, fenders, davits, etc.). In the case of mobile or removable elements, the measure will be taken at the mooring situation. The total beam shall be measured by the Boatswain or a person designated by the Director Engineer of the Port, not being valid for this purpose any measures of length reflected in the documentation of the ship. The owner or lessee of the berth, as well as the owner and the skipper of the vessel are obliged to ensure compliance with well defined total length and, therefore, will be jointly responsible of any damage or injury that occurs due to exceeding the total length of the boat corresponding to the berth, as specified in the official plan of moorings.